Yogi-ism of the day

The rhythm of life is when you experience your own body, mind, and soul

Most definitely. Are you experiencing all of those three? Your own? Usually, as humans, we lack one of three. If we're experiencing our own bodies, we're not experiencing out own minds. But I do think when we experience our own minds then the soul and body will automatically come into play, depending on the mind of the individual. I tend to think in general we all have great minds but you have to activate it. A lot of people don't because of fear and conditioning but those that do are very lucky.

What is Yogi-ism? Yogi-ism comes from Yogi Tea, which I drink religiously. I have to drink at least a green tea everyday, without sugar, cold or hot. It just does so many good things. I just love herbs in general. I discovered Yogi Tea a while ago when I was on the search for some REAL tea (but I've had more potent tea now). Yogi Tea is one of those teas with a naturally good taste and they have different teas for different purposes. The tea bag comes with a saying on the tag and I loved these so much that I thought I'd share and blog about it :).

sn: I ran across some cool blogger template sites, someone asked where I got my layouts from I usually do my own but this one was downloaded and then tweaked. Here's some good links:Link 1 Link 2 Link 3
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