he's back.

"now this'll be a beautiful death.... jumpin' out the window, lettin everything go...."

Supposedly a single from his up and coming album, "Good Ass Job". It is said to hit stores in September. I will never forget the third row seats during the Glow in the Dark Tour. Best concert ever.

i used to fake sick for this

Because when I would come home Nick Jr. just was not on. Mom would pick me up from daycare at in the evening and of course there were times for Rugrats and the like but shows like Little Bear, Franklin, and especially Blue's Clues were crack to me back then and made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside when I was a little girl.

No doubt when I was actually sick it was the best thing on earth. Bed, Nick Jr., mom's catering to me. Yes.

The feeling I got knowing faking my sore throat worked when the nurse called my mom to pick me up was euphoric. I would sit on the cot and just smile to myself, yes, I get to go home.

Moms would pull up and I'd try so hard to fake it, get in the back seat of her then Mitsubishi and ride home. She would see me smiling and ask "why you smilin? you aren't sick." Whatever, we're home already. Hopped in the bed watched Nick Jr. and when that went off it was onto BET for the music videos :) Back then when it was channel 23.

& Thou shall get over it. Right? Right.
"I don't work my ass off to stay the same" and that is how it shall remain. Furthermore...

This internship is something that I am very excited about but has me feeling high and low, well, overwhelmed. Things are looking up and when you get that one thing that allows you to get your foot in the door it is so refreshing. It's like a room that you want to stay in but don't know how to get in, you finally get a key :D & I'm just excited to get a peak into the entertainment world.

With things like this come obstacles and people that think that you're on your way to fame and money (fame is not what I strive for and I am no where NEAR the entertainment glam world) so they hop on the bandwagon. I've heard "get me my own reality show/show" 5 times when I have broke the great news to people that were close to me. "I'm about to be famous" I just wonder what leads people to think it's about them ? ... and where they pick up the nerve to say that. That's not how you get what you want!

Theophilus London

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