Random YT Cmnts: Lot Brawl

I try to avoid these types of videos nowadays simply because it makes me feel horrible. Of course they can be entertainment (we're all human and that's why most people love these videos) but at the end of the day there is always a lesson to be learned about videos showcasing fuckery, well at least in my world. The sad thing is when the person who I got the video from is usually putting it on blast as if it is a good thing i.e. "bitch gets her ass whooped!!" I've already talked about this issue in a previous entry and can't get that much into it right now because I have somewhere to go but I always take interest in Youtube comments of a video & decided to post some.

Random Youtube Cmnts:

"The police are tied up trying to moderate protesters of a (supposedly racially charged) manslaughter verdict so....LET'S GET US SOME BLACK ON BLACK VIOLENCE! Watch as Pregnant high hos get punched and kicked by other hos and a pimp! and when the police show up well."FUCKZZ DA POLICE! YA" Where is the condemnation from within the black community of this type of stuff? You never hear it. Its always someone else's fault."

"I would like to say this is a shocking video, but sadly there is an endless stream of this, i could probably continue watching video after video of grown people acting like animals on youtube. And I try not to be a racist man, because PC wants me to call a spade an earth removing tool. So I will just state an observation. The vast majority of these videos are of 'african american' people."

"The best part about this whole video is the guy filming it. I just love black people! <3 "

"Sad that this is during the Oscar Grant verdict."

"i dont see black people. i just see a whole lot of uneducated, proud, dumbasses out on the streets doing what stupid people do when they get in fights... they doing and saying dumb shit. jackasses around the world are doing this shit. its no wonder shit si so fucked up."

"This proves that 95 percent of blacks are ghetto! "

"You don't touch a nigga's car, yet it's ok for a grown man to knock out a pregnant woman?" "

If you try and hold these people and their culture accountable, you are labeled a racist. The left is responsible for the destruction of their values, their culture, and their communities. Has big government solutions to the black community's problem since the civil rights era improved their situation? No. The left encourages hatred of whites and white values in order to create an obedient voting bloc. The leftist media never reports this point of view which is espoused by many blacks. "

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