Sade, sade, sade
I have always loved Sade from the first time I heard while sitting in the backseat of my mother's then Mitsubishi...on the way to the middle of nowhere. Not only that, I am realizing in my better age that she is the epitome of class...not only that she is unbelievably beautiful. You ever see someone with such a strong aura that it glows from inside of them and just pulls you in. She can do that from the stereo and the television. Something inside of me has always clicked and said "hey I like her". I really do admire her, especially in her past days. VH1 Soul was playing all of her videos and I ran across a video that I have never seen before and she looked flawless. I never really appreciated this song then but I can totally understand it now. I was about to turn until her face popped on the screen ;) She's BEAUTIFUL!
& then what do you know Ciara's "Ride" video is on (which I do like) but it's sad, all that pussy poppin, extravagant hair, makeup, accessories, risque clothing, sexual lyrics and she still doesn't look half as beautiful as Sade did in this video. Not nearly as sexy either. None of these starlets are, actually. Isn't it weird how that goes? But then again it's like that outside of television too.
& then what do you know Ciara's "Ride" video is on (which I do like) but it's sad, all that pussy poppin, extravagant hair, makeup, accessories, risque clothing, sexual lyrics and she still doesn't look half as beautiful as Sade did in this video. Not nearly as sexy either. None of these starlets are, actually. Isn't it weird how that goes? But then again it's like that outside of television too.
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