I was watching Eve's Behind the Music episode today which was really good and inspiring. She was talking on how naive she can be in regards to people and their intentions & since she thinks people are generally supposed to do the right things or use common sense she thinks everyone thinks the same so in turn they
do the same. Everyone knows this is not true and even she does but sometimes I can be this same exact way. Not necessarily naive in that aspect but when it comes to people and doing dumb shit. Such as lying about your life online. I had
no idea that there were so many people that did this that
I know (that's what it was) until a few people have told me "stories" about it and the more stories I hear, the more I'm worried (not really). From what I'm hearing this lying usually takes place in status updates on twitter and facebook (mainly) & that blows me away even more because you are connected with people that actually
know your ass. What the fuck and why? Some of us, esp our generation, are so obsessed on keeping up with the jones' that we will definitely lie about our possessions and portray the lifestyle of lavish whereabouts & $$$
just to impress one another. Oh, and what's really bad about it is that the people we're trying to impress are people we
do not like. Now that I think of it I actually knew someone who posted about he/she being out of the country all the while they were 20 minutes away. I can't lol....I just can't. I thought this was a rarity but according to gossip it really isn't. It's funny and sad at the same time. Goodness, the stories I'm hearing.
Creating a physical facade is one thing, it's not healthy, but it's not that crazy as someone talking about certain far-fetched purchases and activities that they really don't have and are not doing. My naivete with these kind of situations is when I think that no one in their right mind would wanna do these things because at the end of the day it's still you and your normal little self and that should make someone feel so phony but I guess not. & yeah okay, these stars do the same thing but they get paid to sell fantasies. It's just like the people that live beyond their means just to appear that they "got it" and are in debt or really have nothin in the bank (I can go on about these damn people). Some people really believe in fakin it. Shits funny.
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