I'm in need of some peace and that is what I have been trying to get. Most of the rushed feeling I get is all of my fault [such as going to bed around 3 when I know I have to wake up at 7] but I love it. That's the thing sometimes, even when I feel the most "blah" about my life the most I love it! Right now I am at a very low-key point in my life because I'm spending my time trying to stand out to very important people. I am at my busiest and I love it because I can remember I time when I was not and I craved to be. Working at a job I dislike now, interning, sending cover letter and resumes, school, working out, trying to eat right, trying to sleep on time, trying to save money, oh yes and trying to keep my sanity, it's a task that causes me to go M.I.A. at the moment but I wouldn't have it any other way... only more which is only better. I noticed that I am so contradicting, I love inner peace with outer "chaos" & by chaos I mean having a lot going on -> getting a lot accomplished. This is neither here nor there

I'm planning on blogging more and using this for business purposes which is in development also. Also planning on blogging more about things that I like...as I planned but shit happens. I'm super busy and not like those people that claim they're busy but are only going to school and "busy" occupying facebook and twitter. I'd never thought it was possible to be to be too busy for those things let alone reply back to a text message timely. Until then more about more later, it's 3:10am and I gotta wake up tomorrow.
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