I hate titling my blogs.

I also hate that when I say the word hate...certain people respond with "hate is a strong word"
So is love. So think about that the next time you throw the word around.

I always wonder what makes a person so unhappy with themselves that they have no control to stop the energy from coming outwards and submerging other people with it. Everyone has that person they know whose insecurity shines so bright that it can definitely blind you if you let it. Learn when to turn these people on and when to turn them off for these people obviously lack a certain truth that you possess: one cannot come up by trying to bring others down. You either bring em down or you don't. When one gets to the point of trying hard to break someone because they are unhappy with themselves then the joke is instantly on them. Just laugh and keep it movin'. They're wasting all of that energy focusing on breaking others all the while failing to take care of the broken pieces inside. Sure enough they'll self-destruct.
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