Black People, what was that?

Some things should not be discussed on national television.
Although I was working while it aired, I get disgusted at things like this.
Our culture is way too exploited sometimes. Blacks are in a dire need of cultural privacy.
This is not the first time I've heard about a debate airing on national television about "black issues"and most of the time it's a debate regarding black men v. black women.
Whose bright idea was this and how is this helping the black community?
What about a show consisting of a panel discussing black on black crime, why it's so high, and what we can do to put a stop to it?
This airing on television is not going to miraculously bring a companion to these "successful black women who cannot find a man", this airing on television is not going to solve anything. It is only going to encourage more finger pointing and ignite more arguments about how "black women don't do this" and "black men don't do that". To be honest with you, I did not even know this was an issue until the media hype began, then I kept seeing television segments with 3-4 "successful" black women" explaining that they cannot find a man. Now all of a sudden ALL successful black women have this problem and now we have ABC doing a damn segment on it as if it is really that important! Which brings me to this question: Why is it EVEN an issue? There is a reason the media keeps beating this dead horse. There are so many more issues going on within the black community that this being top priority is just silly.
What is even more silly is that usually [if not always] there is a non-black person behind these specials. What really irritated me is when I saw the headline followed by the question "whose to blame?" Really? Why must that be the object of the debate? I'm tired of networks exploiting "black issues" for money. Aside from CNN's Black in America segment, these debates airing are nothing but a play on the black community's insecurities (particularly black women) and will do nothing but divide us even more. The people who participated are even more at fault. I am not saying the argument is not reasonable, but it should not be discussed on national television because more than half of the people that tuned in don't give a damn about black women being single or black people in general, it's all for their entertainment. It is entertainment.
Cmon now, the least we can do is have this type of "face off" (as they called it) on a black channel such as TvOne. I'm sayin!
I have so much more to say about this, I will later but bottom line:
Talk to me when a debate about how to stop certain issues that endanger the black community is discussed rather than whose to blame between black women and black men for these issues.