Never try to find yourself in others, never let yourself lie in others.
It's not good.
It's good to acknowledge that there are people that can be a big part in a pivotal, happy part of your life that helped you find more of yourself. But never can you find all of you in someone else.
Because what is gonna happen when they are gone?
You'll be gone.
You'll be lost.
Blank minded, cold hearted.
But the good thing is...once one realizes this they can move forward.
Sometimes you have to accept your situation in order to move away from it.
This is real, this is what is going on, but it does not have to be that way. Nonetheless, it is what is going on. Change it.
The great thing is...once one realizes this they can move forward.
Karma is real to me.
But the reality is also...not everyone gets it.
There are people who sleep well at night knowing they did one wrong.
There are some that go on and live their best life after living a shady one.
Let it go.
Once we realize this we can move forward.
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