Stay outta my business. No?

When it comes to goals and what I plan to do. I have learned to keep certain things to thy self! There are certain people out there that are literally bitter because their life did not turn out how they wanted it to and will do everything they can to belittle your ideas and discourage you. For me? It's worked, but only to a degree. Not everyone is a vulture though. Some people are actually giving you advice but that's when you have to look at them as a person and determine what their motives are from there. Usually, you can tell if a person is there to help or hurt. Are these people only giving you reasons why it won't work out for you? Are these people telling you how you can make what you're trying to achieve better? Or are they telling you both?

The people closest to you can be the most jealous, family included.

Some of us even try to keep all of our goals and plans to ourself but you have those people who stick their nose where it does not belong. Putting their negativity in all places you did not ask for it to be in. Constantly asking questions disguised as genuine concern when it's only an opportunity to find the next chance to bring you down. Call me a narcissist, but I never thought people actually cared about others to the point they would take out so much time that they could be spending on themselves to break others down. I don't.

Sometimes it's hard to contain your goals and ambitions and you wanna tell someone your idea so bad but just know who to tell it to. I have only two people that I know have my best interest at hand that I tell these certain things to and even then I never tell them everything (I just don't believe in doing that unless they're somehow involved). They give me constructive criticism which I take like a champ. In life, there are few people that genuinely want the best for you.

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