Color Genics quiz , take it

Color genics is a test that requires you to pick certain colors that you feel "in harmony" with from most to the least, after you are done it will give you an analysis on yourself and your life as of now & maybe a little advice. I've done this four times simply because the first time I did it it was accurate as hell. So I always come back from time to time and do it to see if the test gets it right and it always does. It's interesting. I decided to take it this morning out of boredom and was pretty impressed with what I saw. I'm making fast progress in my life all of a sudden and it is reflecting that whereas the other analysis of the test that I took when I was in a "funk" so to speak reflected it as well. It's less than 2 minutes to take. Just pick random colors to your liking bam, you get results.

Take and see

Here's a snippet of my analysis:

"Utmost in your mind is success. You are constantly seeking stimulation and a life full of experience. You are trying to 'grow' and above all you need to develop freely and to shake off the shackles of self-doubt. You are an enthusiastic individual, full of life with the desire to live intensely. You like contact with others and are enthusiastic by nature. You are receptive to anything new, modern or intriguing. Your interests are many and you are likely to expand your fields of activities. You are optimistic about the future and you deserve every success because deep down you are a 'winner'.

You don't really give in. You follow your beliefs and ideals to the bitter end. You are the personification of stubbornness and whatever may transpire, right or wrong, you refuse to compromise or make concessions."

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