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I always thought change could be good
But is it good when it happens so fast, rapid, dramatically, that you don't recognize a lot of stuff you used to and it becomes a task to stay "grounded"?
I don't know...
Sometimes that dramatic change could have just been an epiphany huge enough to knock you out for a second then you wake up, realize nothing was what it seemed or there is something to be done with urgency...time to start from scratch again and that by itself can be a little strange.
I don't know.
A change different from a pre meditated change in where the change you planned on comes quicker than you think and takes on a life of its own and leaves you no choice to stand but back and just let it do it's thing ....for the action of interference might mess with your blessings that you do see coming to life. & the question is constantly asked "What are you gonna do with me? Am I really gonna go where it looks like?" but one must trust and learn to let go. A change such as this for someone who is used to having a grip on when things stop when things go can be really strange.
I don't know...
Sometimes you surprise yourself ...and keep surprising yourself to the point where the next possibility seems too good to be true...you're expecting the unexpected from YOU...which is weird because you've always expected what was to be expected and the expected was always the worse. Isn't it better to expect the worse?
I don't know.
When you start all over with a blank sheet, something you thought you never would be doing and you see things start unintentionally going in the direction satisfying to your needs all along...it's like life telling you "Before this...you were wrong...you were wrong about them, you were wrong about this, you were just wrong." That's strange in the beginning...it makes you question what if what I am doing right now is "all wrong"? The answer to that is to not be too concerned...You were wrong, past tense. This is the present, this is right now which means you're right now. Live in your past and you'll always be wrong. Hmmm....

That's life...most things that might have been right in the past are more than likely gonna be wrong in the present, that philosophy is your future, and somehow all of these factors create the perfect formula to learn from...that concludes to no right or wrong answer, but an answer nonetheless. I'm learning.
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Monogamy Pride

Someone once asked at the end of the day does monogamy come down to pride?

I believe it depends on the individual but I say for most definitely yes.

Some would say respect but that’s here nor there

I was sitting down one day thinking about the word “cheating” in relation to love

Which implies that love is a symbolic game of some sort

Cheating implies that someone is breaking certain rules to get ahead and win

Why is that term used with love?

Are two people competing to win something?

Why is love seen as a game, which calls for competition, which consists of pride?

Then cheating occurs which hurts that pride?

Does it all come down to pride?

Or is it that most of us are unable to separate the two?

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Untied Shoe Strings

Don’t leave too many untied shoes in life for untied shoe laces get tangled, the more tangled shoes the harder you fall, the harder it is to find the right laces to the right shoes, the harder it is for you to tie a pair and walk on…which lets you move on. Don’t walk through life with untied shoes.
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Color Genics quiz , take it

Color genics is a test that requires you to pick certain colors that you feel "in harmony" with from most to the least, after you are done it will give you an analysis on yourself and your life as of now & maybe a little advice. I've done this four times simply because the first time I did it it was accurate as hell. So I always come back from time to time and do it to see if the test gets it right and it always does. It's interesting. I decided to take it this morning out of boredom and was pretty impressed with what I saw. I'm making fast progress in my life all of a sudden and it is reflecting that whereas the other analysis of the test that I took when I was in a "funk" so to speak reflected it as well. It's less than 2 minutes to take. Just pick random colors to your liking bam, you get results.

Take and see

Here's a snippet of my analysis:

"Utmost in your mind is success. You are constantly seeking stimulation and a life full of experience. You are trying to 'grow' and above all you need to develop freely and to shake off the shackles of self-doubt. You are an enthusiastic individual, full of life with the desire to live intensely. You like contact with others and are enthusiastic by nature. You are receptive to anything new, modern or intriguing. Your interests are many and you are likely to expand your fields of activities. You are optimistic about the future and you deserve every success because deep down you are a 'winner'.

You don't really give in. You follow your beliefs and ideals to the bitter end. You are the personification of stubbornness and whatever may transpire, right or wrong, you refuse to compromise or make concessions."

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illuminati mess.

I'll start by saying that I love Kanye West's 'Power' video. It took a minute for me to figure the video out but then I watched his U-Stream and he explained how it was basically his favorite works of art coming to life. I am pretty sure there is symbolism involved one way or another but he also said that he likes his videos conveying multiple meanings to suit the opinion of whoever is watching. So it can be very subjective. My take on it, long story short, power can kill you. That's what I got from it. There are those that think this video is utterly stupid and there are those that think it's genius. I love it.

Then you have those that holler Illuminati, mason, devil worshiper when they see the video. Now-a-days people are hollering that when they see any video. I just had a conversation with a friend about this. All of this hype going about is actually making me very concerned. As someone who believes that there is definitely a hint of truth to some of these theories, I am still concerned about people going crazy over such a thing. It shows that most of us have this craving to cling on to a certain belief or take a certain side that we will hold on to anything that is thrown at us. Forget extensive research , this person said it so we're gonna believe it! That seems like the logic that is going on which only proves that we can be so robotic at times. So sheepish.

A lot of these people know nothing about masonic degrees, the difference between masonry and Luciferianism, they only know what is being preached to them either by a preacher or the average Joe on Youtube. They think everyone is a Mason in the industry and that's THAT. It's not that simple but we think so cause our minds are so damn simple. My question for all of the quick believers is that if there's an agenda behind all of this Illuminati propaganda that is out to get you then what?

What was funny was when I was having my conversation with my friend, he could point out who were "Masons and who were not", and how Jay-Z is this and that (I think people give him too much power with all of this illuminati hype) but knew zero about the Real I.D. act or any laws that were rumored to being passed which will sacrifice our freedom in the future that are part of these NWO conspiracies. The hilarious thing is these political conspiracies have more to do with Masonry + illuminati than any of these celebrities do...but no, we're too busy worrying about what these musicians are doing. If something were to go down in this world, the Illuminati enthusiasts would not know because they are too busy deciphering these celebs and the hand symbols they are throwing up. Best believe if we were all going under at the hands of a group of people in power lady gaga, jay-z, and kanye will not be it. Unplug yourself.

TV Talk: Reality Rocks!

Reality TV fan convention to launch in L.A.

Reality Rocks Expo is Comic-Con for unscripted television

Snooki is getting her own fan convention.

The Hollywood Reporter parent company e5 Global Media is launching the first major reality TV conference where fans can browse an exposition floor, meet their favorite reality stars and perhaps get cast in a series.

Titled the Reality Rocks Expo, the event is conceived as a sort of Comic-Con for unscripted television, and its advisory committee includes some major names: Mark Burnett Prods., Shed Media, LMNO Prods., CMT, Oxygen Media, Casting Duo, Sundance Channel, RDF USA and A. Smith & Co.

Reality Rocks is set to take place April 8-10 at the Los Angeles Convention Center.

"It's the only place where they can get up close and personal with their favorite stars from reality, lifestyle, factual television as well as the producers who fill their TV screens with interesting, entertaining and informative programming," said Amy Freeman-Cohen, co-managing director of Reality Rocks. "They may even get a shot at being cast on one of their favorite shows."

Added David Eilenberg, head of development and current programming at Mark Burnett Prods.: "Reality Rocks is destined to become a signature event for reality TV. We relish the opportunity to connect with our amazing fans and give them the opportunity to connect with all the great on-camera and off-camera characters of our genre."

Although there have been modest efforts to create reality TV conferences, Reality Rocks is the most ambitious attempt yet to create an annual fandom convention aimed at the unscripted television genre.

Reality Rocks will include a show floor, live demonstrations, stage performances, celebrity panels and an online Reality TV Awards voted on by fans and held at the event.

"This is a unique opportunity for the networks and producers to connect with their fans on a whole new level, and maybe even find the next great show or personality," said Bailey Beeken, vp of the film and entertainment group at e5 Global Media. "Measuring the excitement and engagement of the fans during the expo gives the producers and networks real, experiential feedback as they head into the May sweeps and before many of the new season's shows kick off."
If you're into reality television like I am, this is an interesting event that you must attend if you are a fan of reality TV. This convention will include all reality show genres from food to just plain old "real life" reality. As someone who was responsible for printing as much press that I could get as soon as the press release occurred, I saw a lot of good and bad feedback but the best thing was the exposure and press that this event is getting [HUGE and it's only been some hours]. I've had an awesome time with the research & development of this project and will have more greater times with the production. I can only think of the things that will go on with all of those reality stars under one roof! Hit up Realityrocks.net to request certain people you wanna see at the event! :)

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