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my journey
your journey
their journey
our journey
different journeys
different destinations
different circumstances
therefore...different times
and none of those can be measured with the same stick
remember that.
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lesson learned.

second chances?
not again
well...not right now
i cannot afford that
i used to never even give them out
but i did
too many
and was let down
lesson learned
you fuck me, you done.
everything happens for a reason.
cant do the I.O.U.'s
im in debt.
what happened was
they tried to make me feel bad
for turning my back
and i marinated on it ... not realizing THAT
that was not a genuine need for sympathy, but a move caused by selfishness
a move caused by pride, because they could not fathom themselves not being on the list in my life
they could not take me taking that break
they just had to show their face
cause at the end of the day, it is all about them.
They must be in that picture.
Lesson the fuck learned.

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let go.


...let it go!

Just let it go.

Holding on to a situation that is way past 'gone'.

But you don't know.

Cause you won't let go!

Reach inside the center , that feeling of stress, despair, bitterness, confusion, where everything is brewing
pull it out
let it go
throw it away
it will disappear
in mid air

What's keeping you? (you)
It's very easy, you're just holding on ...hard.
Let it go...
So you can go [on]...
And blessings, peace, sanity, love, positivity...can come.
But only if you let go.
You must let go.

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