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So will you ever learn?

Negative, negative.
I never remember you smiling
You never liked to smile
Don't smile in pictures, never happy
Always complaining
Each birthday or holiday when we ask what you want
Answers always nothing or to be happy
Yup. Routine, never remembered anything different.
Always doubtful
Argue with someone everyday
Trying to hit us all the time
Insults thrown weekly
When you say something positive you get looked at twice
When you do, you look like you're doing it because you have to
You try to shoot down any hope, any light, you see in us
You fuss when we receive things from that one out of pure love and appreciation because you think we do not deserve it
You think no one deserves anything because you think you don't deserve anything
And when one acts as if they do, and runs to you because they have done something great, and are proud that they can hold their head up high and they think you would be proud...you tell them why they don't deserve it
You pout all the time
It's always something from the time you walk in the door til you lay your head down to rest
We cannot hold a conversation without you constantly trying to make our opinions invalid
We cannot show an emotion without you constantly trying to make our emotion invalid
I cannot have a good day without you trying to make my good day invalid
You've told us for years that we're selfish, lazy, stupid. But in reality...you're the selfish one.
Tonight I was notified that you might be seriously ill
I went to you and tried to brighten up your horrible mood (despite the fact that you tried to pick an argument over nothing this morning) and asked you "why do you look like that?" and tried to talk to you.
Your answer was "Shit. Why not." and you rolled your eyes at me.
Your life might be in danger yet you still proceed to tear everyone down and not try to enjoy yours.
I will never be like you when I am 50.
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and why do we (i) do these things

Why can't we just be, why can't we all just be ?
In our world of competition...this is how we live.
Why must we play games?
Why is everything a race?

I have become very frustrated with the way I think, the way I view others, my cutthroat personality at times, what for ? why? I have to. "No you don't"

Survival of the fittest?

"It all comes down to survival."

sn: i realized today that i need a twitter...for the more simple, random thoughts of mine that id like to share. until i get a new phone, a new camera, a new computer though... i've been saying this forever

thinking music

for the few followers, I love Jhene
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